Sidebar Menu

The toolbar on the left side of the control panel mainly includes functions for managing and adjusting the quality of the device.

1, Adjust Device Quality

  • Big Screen: Adjust the size of a device's stream screen as desired. The minimum screen size is 40%, and the maximum is 100%.

  • Small Screen: Adjust the size of the device in a small format within Control Devices. The available sizes for adjustment are: Thumbnail, Medium, Large, and Extra Large.

  • Big Quality: Adjust the image quality of a device's stream. The available levels for adjustment are: Low, Medium, High, and Extra (recommended for the best experience).

  • Small Quality: Adjust the image quality of the phone screen in the overview screen. The available levels for adjustment are: Low, Medium, High, and Extra.

2, Device Management

  • Select all: Choose all devices to perform tasks such as installing APKs, stopping tasks, etc.

  • Select device: Choose individual devices to perform tasks.

To deselect a device when Select all is active, you can use the Ctrl + Click combination on the device you want to exclude!

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